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This symbol represents the universal piece computer. The symbol representing the universal piece computer is a creative fusion of iconic imagery. It features the well-known peace sign, with a prominent ‘U’ superimposed over the ‘W’, symbolizing the union of all world piece computers. The ‘U’ extends beyond the peace sign, both upwards and downwards, emphasizing the comprehensive and inclusive nature of the universal piece computer. This emblem serves as a visual metaphor for the computer’s purpose… to integrate the myriad of world piece computers into a singular, cooperative entity striving for the universal piece. This symbol is trademarked, but not registered.

Concept Overview:

“The universal piece computer” is a concept that aims to unify and optimize the way we connect and communicate across different worlds. Imagine it as a giant supercomputer, but instead of just processing data, it processes the collective knowledge and experiences of all human beings. This supercomputer is built by connecting individual “world piece computers,” which are essentially personal systems that each person operates to manage their own world of information and experiences.

To break it down further, let’s start with some key terms:

  • a world piece: This is a collection of significant pieces (units of information) that define a particular aspect of someone’s world. For example, your home, your job, your car, or even your hobbies can be considered world pieces.

  • a world piece computer: This is a system that manages and optimizes these world pieces. Think of it as your personal computer that helps you organize and make sense of your life, but somthing that is not like a laptop–it is distributed as a collection of technologies, abstractions, and people throughout your world.

  • the universal piece: This is the overarching computational peace process that aims to unify all these individual world pieces into a coherent whole. It is continuous, evolving, and iterative, always working towards better optimization and connection, better resulting ‘peace products’.

  • the universal piece computer: This is the network formed by connecting all world piece computers. It is singular by definition and serves as the configuration of all these individual systems. It effectively becomes a giant supercomputer that harnesses the collective computational power of all connected world piece computers.

The ultimate goal of the universal piece computer is to facilitate better communication and cooperation between different worlds. By doing so, it aims to create a universal language that not only includes standard grammar and vocabulary, but also protocols and algorithms for connecting and understanding one another better. This universal language is crucial for promoting productive group-mindedness and achieving global peace (peace as a continuous process).

Building the universal piece computer involves connecting all these individual world piece computers into a network. This network will likely form through a process called explosive percolation, where local clusters of world piece computers gradually connect until a global network emerges in a sudden event. This global network will then be able to systematically process all our world pieces with the global whole available for context, helping us achieve better futures, better presents, or even revisit better pasts.

In summary, the universal piece computer is a visionary project that aims to unify human knowledge and experiences into a single, powerful system devoted to taking what we already do, but doing it much better, by treating peace as an explicit computational process that never ends.

Some characteristics of the universal piece computer: